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Language B Empowers Instructors

We provide the tools to create the equivalent of an online, multimedia textbook

Our features enable teachers to create a multimedia textbook. We encompass all language textbook features, such as grammar and vocabulary sections, and then enhance those concepts with multimedia, including audio, images, songs, and other video clips.

Build lessons quickly and easily

The best part is that creating these comprehensive lessons is quick and easy. We have created features that allow teachers to easily copy and paste or upload content directly into the software.


Once the content is saved, it is instantly integrated into our games.

Share your lessons with groups

Once content is created, teachers can use our groups feature to organize their lessors for different classes. Once a group is created, teachers can invite other users and create discussion boards to assign work and leave feedback.

Quickly add media for any content

After content is saved, teachers can choose to edit their work and upload media. As you can see here, teachers can easily upload JPEG or PNG images, search for images via Google search, upload MP3 audio files, record audio, and search for YouTube videos like songs or movie clips.


Once uploaded, the media content is instantly integrated into games and flashcards making enhancing your lessons almost effortless.

Content is instantly integrated with our games and quizzes

As you can see here, the vocabulary word “nephew” shows the uploaded image and also has the uploaded audio available in the target language.

Language B Engages Instructors

Search our database of all public lessons

Language B is a community. Members are invited to search our database for other public lessons. If you find a lesson that you want to use, simply add it to your group and you can share it with your class. This saves you time when looking for new material.

Unleash your teaching creativity

As a teacher, you already have lessons and worksheets. Many teachers also enjoy introducing cultural elements through songs, videos, and phrases. Language B enables you to include every element you want into a single online lesson… quickly!

Reuse the lessons you create

Once a lesson is created, it is immediately saved into our database. This allows teachers to reuse lessons with as many groups as they want while also giving them the option to edit and make improvements to their lessons from semester to semester.

Make your lessons public

We encourage teachers to make lessons public to showcase their work in our network, allowing all members to have access to their quality instructional content.

Take part in discussions in our forums

Our forums feature allows teachers to take part in discussions ranging from teaching methodology to answering student’s online questions. This also gives teachers the chance to critique their student’s work and offer additional support.

© 2012 Language B, Inc.


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